Tags - Iran


The interest of other countries in joining SCO today is a testament to the importance of this organisation, said PM Modi
News ID: 140068    Publish Date : 2023/07/05

51st meeting of Asian clearing Union was held in Tehran, in order to avoid de-dollarization and facilitate trade and relations of ACU members.
News ID: 140063    Publish Date : 2023/05/28

Governor of Central Bank announced:
Governor of central bank announced the establishment of direct communication between Iran ian and Russian banks.
News ID: 140052    Publish Date : 2023/01/30

In first half of 1401;
Foreign debt at the end of Shahrivar of 1401 based on initial maturity of debts is 6 billion and 904 million dollars.
News ID: 140041    Publish Date : 2022/11/28

Governors of central banks of Iran and Iraq signed a payment mechanism agreement in Baghdad last night.
News ID: 96844    Publish Date : 2019/02/06

The UN’s international court of justice has reprimanded the US over its re-imposition of sanctions on Iran , ordering Washington to lift restrictive measures linked to humanitarian trade, food, medicine and civil aviation.
News ID: 92196    Publish Date : 2018/10/03

Oberbank, famous Austrian bank, will withdraw from Iran owing to the U.S. sanctions.
News ID: 87135    Publish Date : 2018/06/14

The world prize of Lee Kuan Yew, Founder of new Singapore, was awarded to Iran ian scientist, Dr. Ali Tayebnia, for the fist time.
News ID: 81454    Publish Date : 2018/02/01

The Islamic Republic of Iran 's Deputy Minister of Economy and Director General of Customs has arrived in Ankara at the head of the delegation consisting of Customs' executives.
News ID: 75368    Publish Date : 2017/09/25